I keep hearing people say 'Mumbai Meri Jaan'. So, I couldn't think of better title.
[I titled as Mumbai. One can call it Bombay as well. Let's be fair, and call it Mumbay :D]
Things are going good so far. It's quite hot here, and was surprised that there is nothing like winter here. This is just first day, still lots of places to visit. Meanwhile, I am reading The Maximum City by Suketu Mehta about the city, Bombay to Mumbai to Mumbay. This book is interesting and just finished first few chapters which cover 90s Hindu-Muslim riots.
I am exploring this great/not so great city on foot and also through book. The book explains Bombay to great degree of reality, just like this.
On Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, Sunil (Shiv Sena local leader and cable operator) broadcasts a pornographic film on his cable network. The requests for porn often come from his female subscribers.
While exploring city, I plan to pen down here on my blog. I hope I will get some time to seat aside and pause for the city where millions of people live, struggle, fulfill dreams and watch pornography.
(Note: Promise broken. I wanted to blog so many things about Mumbai. I was busy enjoying there. Seems like it been almost a month since then.)